Z veseljem sem odzvala povabilu, da gostujem pri 52 CCT.
This week I’m wery proud to be guest designer at:
52 Christmas Card Throwdown challange blog.
The challange is:
Tokrat ustvarjamo v dveh barvah in odločila sem se uporabiti res le dve barvi. No, ker sem za barvanje mixed media papirja uporabila Distress Oxide, sta barvi v mnogih odtenkih.

Za prazničen sijaj sem na roge nanesla Glossy Accents in to potresla z Twinklets Diamond dust.
Upam, da se nam pridružite.
Hvala za ogled in komentarje
This is such a pretty card. I love the watercolor effect the whole card has. Thank you for being our guest designer this week.
Zelo luštno voščilnico v vijolični iz zeleni si ustvarila :-)) Jelenček je čudovit.
Vesela sem, da si naša tokratna gostja!
Čudovit efekt si ustvarila na jelenu -všekam 🙂
A beautiful effect with the colours and I like the touch of sparkle. Thanks for being our guest designer this week. x
The distress oxide gives such lovely interest on your reindeer,it looks so striking against the lime green, I love the combination. Thanks for guesting on the 52CCT this week.
Elle est si originale Andreja, merci d’être notre guest désigner cette semaine, biz
Amazing card, Andreja! The deer looks really splendid!
Thank you for being our guest designer for this challenge.
Rosi x