52 CCT avgust – skica

Pozdravljeni v sobotno jutro; danes pri 52 CCT blog izzivu ustvarjamo po skici.

Uporabila sem krasne LemonCraft papirje iz kolekcije Christmas Greetings – A lot of kindnes in sestavila voščilnico z nogavičkami po skici, ki sem jo malo obrnila.

Vabljeni k sodelovanju, svoje izdelke nam pokažite na tej povezavi.

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5 Responses
  1. fabiola says:

    elle est superbe ta carte Andreja, j’aime sa touche vintage et cosy, biz

  2. Lucinda says:

    Such a lovely, vintage feel you’ve created Andreja. The papers are gorgeous, and the touch of glitter is perfect. Beautiful x

  3. A. Rose says:

    Great idea to flip the sketch on it’s side!

  4. Andreja M: Marvelous interpretation of the sketch! And exquisite details on the stockings! Wonderful Christmas card!

  5. Netta says:

    Those stockings are adorable picture I can actually envision them hanging by a chimney on Christmas Eve. Such a cute sketch card

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