52 CCT: april – tehnika

Pozdravljeni v sobotno jutro; danes pri 52 CCT blog izzivu ustvarjamo voščilnice s tehniko herringbone, pri kateri narezane papirmnate trakce zlagamo v nov značilen vzorec.

Moder potiskan papir sem narezala na 0,5, 1 in 1,5 cm in jih nalepila na bel papir. Vmes sem dodala še nekaj trakov v videzu ogledala. Motiv snežaka (Penny Black Snowy) sem s črno blazinico odtisnila na Florence akvarelni papir in ga pobarvala s Sakura Koi akvarelnimi flumastri.

Vabljeni k sodelovanju, svoje izdelke nam pokažite na tej povezavi.

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V pomoč vam je lahko predstavitev tehnike v tem videu.

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6 Responses
  1. fabiola says:

    oh j’adore ce bonhomme de neige Andreja, il donne la touche fun a ta carte, biz

  2. A. Rose says:

    Love how the herringbone colors match the shading on the snowman!

  3. Rosi says:

    Your super cute snowman steals the show from Herringbone! But I can still see the beautiful pattern in the background!

  4. Helena says:

    Zanimiva tehnika s temi trakovi in lep motiv na praznični voščilnici.

  5. Netta says:

    silver and blue hues are so gorgeous. I love that snowman more and more each time I see it! he was perfect for the middle

  6. Becca S says:

    Andreja: Hello, team-mate! This is great that your approach is different from most of us because you went with soft pale color tones and let your snowman be the star of the card! Fabulous card with the herringbone technique!

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